How Many Warehouses Do I Need?
Network Optimization is the improvement of your distribution network to better serve your customers and reduce inbound and outbound costs. The decision of how many warehouses a merchant needs is not a simple answer. Flowspace helps its merchants make essential decisions about where to position their warehouses by looking at their historic order data and shipping costs.

Where Should I Position My Warehouses?
Getting your inventory closer to your customers reduces last-mile costs and shipping times. The cost to inbound goods should also factor into where to position your warehouses. Given all of these factors, the choice is not a simple one. Flowspace inputs your historic data into our Network Optimization tools to determine exactly where to position your nodes. If you have existing nodes, then we can also help you determine if it makes sense to change your location.

How Can I Reduce My Carbon Footprint?
Optimizing your network not only reduces your shipping costs, but it also reduces your carbon footprint. Dynamic Network Optimization determines the locations that offer maximum efficiencies to a merchant in order to reduce carbon emissions and accelerate delivery times. Flowspace has been recognized throughout the industry for excellence in sustainable fulfillment solutions. Network Optimization was named the 2021 Sustainability Service of the Year for its remarkable ability to reduce shipping distance and carbon emissions within the supply chain.

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