What’s New From Flowspace

Workflows & Automation  |  FlowspaceAI  |  Reporting & Analytics


Workflows & Automation


Generate UCC Case Or Pallet Labels For Retail Partners

Expand into retail easily with UCC EDI case and pallet labels for 100+ national retailers including Target, Walmart, Amazon, and more!

Rules Based On Order Destination State

Apply order automation conditions by state to unlock the ability to control shipping speed or carrier selection to certain states.

Route To Closest Warehouse Or Warehouse With Inventory

Decide whether backorders should route to nearest warehouse or prioritize warehouses with inventory, allowing you to manage shipping costs or arriving inbounds.

Substitute SKUs To Fulfill Orders in Backorder

Get orders to your customer’s faster and deplete inventory on hand by leveraging automatic SKU substitutions.

Quickly Create Replacement Orders

With just a few clicks, create a new order that automatically associates with the prior order’s history and details.

Inbound parcel to your warehouse

Utilize the parcel inbound flow to create more clarity and transparency into shipment details and billing.

Notes & Attachments On Orders

Based on customer feedback, several improvements to allow more flexibility in creation of notes and attachments on orders to streamline your process.


Supply Chain Analyst at Your Fingertips

Unlock insights, boost productivity, and automate workflows.

• Available to help answer common questions including:
• Quickly Answering Where Is My Order Inquiries
• Troubleshooting Delivery Delays
• Finding Damaged Inventory
• Identifying Fulfillment Delays
• And many more!

Learn More


“FlowspaceAI has been an invaluable asset. It’s helped me clarify order information and shipping-related questions efficiently and accurately. I no longer spend unnecessary time searching for this information, thanks to the AI’s capabilities.”

José Checa, North America supply chain lead, Emma – The Sleep Company 

Parcel Rate Optimization

Additional layer of insights with the incorporation of parcel rate card data that presents before and after scenario analysis.

View before and after results on:
• Weighted Average Price
• Average Zone
• Average Delivery Days
• Inventory counts, distribution, and historical units

Reporting & Analytics

Fulfillment and Inventory Analytics Dashboards

Easily understand key business metrics from a centralized and simple to use Fulfillment Performance and Inventory Analytics dashboards!

View key metrics such as:
• Active orders by status
• Order fulfillment stats and trends
• Network Optimization insights and recommendations
• Inventory counts, distribution, and historical units

Sales Channel Reporting

Segment your orders by sales channels and gain a comprehensive overview of key metrics including order volume, order velocity, transit time, average costs, and much more.

Updates to Order Views & Reports

Based on customer feedback, many usability changes to create more transparency and clarity on fulfillment expectations with new data fields to include required ship date, tags, and customer email.

SKU Activity Report

Merchants can now view a centralized report of all product activity (inbound, outbound, adjustments, kit creation) by lot and expiration date within their new SKU Activity Report.

“The Flowspace platform centralizes all fulfillment operations in one place. It’s easy and efficient to manage orders and inventory for all channels, all in one system, where everyone has visibility and knows what’s going on”

Hector Omoigui, Senior Operations Manager Reel Paper

“I evaluated 20 different 3PLs and competitors before choosing Flowspace. Flowspace’s network optimization model showed us exactly what regions our inventory needed to be in order to fulfill products closest to our end customer for optimal cost and transit savings.”

Kelsey Chabolla, Director of Logistics & Supply Chain at Sundays for Dogs