We started Flowspace to help businesses find warehouse space when they need they need it most by offering clear, month to month pricing and an easy to use warehouse management system. We love hearing from customers that we’ve helped out of difficult situations. Here is one customer’s story.

Flowspace customer evaluating inventory in in his Orange County, CA warehouse
From a Flowspace customer and owner of a small business:
As the owner of a small manufacturing business in Orange County, CA I wear a lot of hats. Purchasing. Operating. Negotiating. Selling.
I’m constantly putting out fires. But I’ve kept my nose to the grindstone long enough now that I’m growing quickly. With growth comes a whole new set of problems, and none bigger than the one I’m facing now: Warehousing.
If things continue as planned, I’m going to outgrow my current warehouse and distribution center in the next year and will need to sign a new lease on a larger warehouse. The problem is, things never go as planned.
I’m negotiating the renewal of a contract for my biggest customer, who represents 30% of my sales revenue and over a quarter of my warehouse space. But what if I sign a lease on a new, larger warehouse and I don’t receive the contract renewal? That’s a risk I’m just not willing to take.
I need flexibility. I need a temporary warehousing solution to buy me some time for the deal to close before before I commit to a new long-term lease.
This is where Flowspace flat rate flexible warehousing is so useful. I ship my inventory, they receive it and store it until I free up the space to bring it back. If a surprise comes up and I need to ship some of that inventory to a customer, I can do it through their inventory software. This gets me out of a jam and allows me to focus on the things I do best, like selling and running my business.